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Esoteric Healing - Chapter I - The Psychological Causes of Disease
The Centers and the Glandular System

It will therefore be apparent to you that disease (when not of a group origin, or the result of planetary karma or based on accident) takes its rise in the activity or the non-activity of the centers. This is a statement of a basic truth, given in the simplest manner. The centers, as you know, govern the endocrine system which, in its turn, controls the seven major areas of the physical body and is responsible for the correct functioning of the entire organism, producing both physiological and psychological effects.

The importance of this glandular system cannot be over-estimated. It is a replica in miniature of the septenary constitution of the universe and the medium of expression and the instrument of contact for the seven ray forces, the seven Spirits before the Throne of God. Around this at present unrecognized truth the medicine and the healing methods of the future civilization will be built.

The glands constitute a great relating system in the body; they bring all parts of the physical vehicle into relation with each other; they also relate the man to the etheric [141] body - both individual and planetary - and likewise to the blood stream, the carrier of the life principle to all parts of the body. There are consequently four major agents of distribution to be found in the physical body. They are all complete in themselves, all contributory to both the functional and the organic life of the body, all closely interrelated and all producing both physiological and psychological results according to their potency, the response of the centers to the higher inflow, the point in evolution achieved, and the free expression, or the reverse, of the incoming energies. These four agents of distribution of energy are:

1. The etheric vehicle itself. This with its myriads of lines of force and of energy, the incoming and the outgoing energies, its responsiveness to energy impacts coming from the environment as well as from the inner spiritual man and the subtle bodies, underlies the entire physical body. In it are to be found the seven centers as focal points of reception and of distribution; they are the recipients of seven types of energy, and they distribute these seven energies through the entire little human system.

2. The nervous system and its various interlocking directorates. This is a relatively tangible network of energies and forces which are the outer expression of the inner, vital, dynamic network of the etheric body and the millions of nadis or the prototype of the nerves which underlie the more substantial body. These nerves and plexi and their many ramifications are the negative aspects of the positive energies which condition or are attempting to condition the man.

3. The endocrine system. This is the tangible and exoteric expression of the activity of the vital body and its seven centers. The seven centers of force are to be found in the same region where the seven major glands are located, and [142] each center of force provides, according to the esoteric teaching, the power and the life of the corresponding gland which is, in fact, its externalization.

Centers Glands
Head center Pineal gland
Center between eyebrows Pituitary body
Throat center Thyroid gland
Heart center Thymus gland
Solar plexus center Pancreas
Sacral center The gonads
Center at base of spine Adrenal glands
These three systems are very closely related to each other and constitute an interlocking directorate of energies and forces which are essentially vital, galvanic, dynamic and creative. They are basically interdependent, and upon them the entire interior health of the physical organism depends. They are responsive first to one or other of the bodies (emotional or mental), then to the integrated personality and its ray, and finally to the soul ray as it begins to assume control. They are, in reality, responsible for the production of the physical body and - after birth - they condition its psychological quality, and this in its turn produces the developing physical man. They are the agents for the three divine aspects of all manifestation: life - quality - appearance.

4. The blood stream. This is the carrier of the life principle and of the combined energies and forces of the three above systems. This will be an idea of some novelty to the orthodox. The relationship of the circulatory system of the blood to the nervous system has not been as yet adequately developed in modern medicine. Much, however, has been done to relate the glandular system to the blood.[143]

Only when these four interrelated systems are viewed as one integrated whole and as the four aspects of one vital circulatory system will the truth emerge. Only as they are acknowledged to be the four major distributing agents of the combined rays of the individual man will the true nature of material phenomena be grasped. It might be added here that:

  1. The etheric vehicle from the circulatory angle, is governed by the Moon, as it veils Vulcan.
  2. The nervous system is ruled by Venus.
  3. The endocrine system is governed by Saturn.
  4. The blood stream is governed by Neptune.

These four systems are in reality the manifestation of the four aspects of matter in its lowest or purely physical expression. There are other aspects of expression of the fundamental substance, but these are the four of greatest importance.

Each of these is essentially dual, and each duality corresponds to the ray of the soul or of the personality. Each is therefore both positive and negative; each can be described as a unit of resistant force and of dynamic energy; each is a combination of certain aspects of matter and substance - the matter being the relatively static aspect, and the substance the relatively fluid or quality-endowing agent. Their interplay, relationship and unified function are an expression of the One Life Principle, and when they have reached a point of perfected fusion or synthesis or coordinated activity there then appears that "life more abundantly" of which Christ spoke and of which we, as yet, know nothing. The four aspects of matter produce the correspondence also to the four divine attributes as well as to the three divine aspects. [144]

The analogy of the basic dualism of all manifestation is also preserved, thus making the nine of initiation - the three, the four and the two. This correspondence to the initiatory process is, however, in the reverse direction, for it is initiation into the creative third aspect, the matter aspect and the world of intelligent activity. It is not initiation into the second or soul aspect, as is the case with the hierarchical initiations for which the disciple is preparing. It is the initiation of the soul into the experience of physical incarnation, into physical plane existence, and into the art of functioning as a human being. The door into this experience is the "Gate of Cancer." Initiation into the kingdom of God is entered through the "Gate of Capricorn." These four attributes and the three aspects of matter, plus their dual activity, are the correspondence to the four aspects of the personality and the Spiritual Triad and their dual active relationship. In this statement is hidden the key to liberation.

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